A short collection of poems written by Rebecca Shakespeare Armstrong about her mental journey to giving Christ her yes once more and finding herself thriving back in her faith by willingly surrendering her will/plans for her life all over again.
(e-book now available | paper copy not yet released)
Under The SEE - digital edition
Cover designed and poetry written by Rebecca Shakespeare Armstrong
Image of the author was taken by photographer Drew Jackson
All Rights Reserved.
The scanning, uploading, referencing and distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to reference material from the book (other than review purposes), please contact rjsfashionllc@gmail.com.
Thank you for your support and respect of the author’s rights.
If you would like to book Rebecca Shakespeare Armstrong for speaking events or would like more information about the author,
please go to her website, www.beyondfreshRJS.com